Airdrop EAO Finance (Listing Binance)
Let’s go to the cryptocurrency market and make our money more valuable
Contract Address:0x1DEB61e41F337b04660eaB59A34Ad5E39afE9348

EAO is an easy-to-use and high-performance cloud collaboration infrastructure for Web3.0
It connects storage, computing, bandwidth and other distributed network resources in a verifiable way, and is managed and traded efficiently by the free market.
In this process, EAO has practiced a large number of blockchain extension technologies, such as state channel, state fragmentation, verifiable storage and computational verification, to achieve high scalability of composition and layering, so as to provide multi-party trust and support unlimited transaction, storage and download requirements.
At the same time, it also supports zero knowledge proof and secure multi-party computing technology, and realizes multi-party collaborative cognitive computing while protecting user data privacy.